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Success is never final and failure never fatal. It's courage that counts.
-- Jules Ellinger


Thursday, October 28, 2004

Your dream

Somewhere in you is a dream. It’s probably buried deeply under all the day-to-day concerns, yet somewhere in you it lives.

It’s not at all practical, and it’s probably a little outrageous. Even so, it energizes your spirit like nothing else can.

It rises to the surface every now and then. And when it does, for a short while, the years melt away and you touch that place where everything seems possible.

Then it usually sinks back down under the surface of your awareness. And there it waits, patiently, never losing its hope or its luster.

Your dream, as crazy and impractical as it may seem, is trying to tell you something. Your dream, with its promise that you all too quickly, all too often dismiss, wants to tell you who you are.

Isn’t it time you truly listen to what it has to say? Perhaps it is time to begin following that dream, and live the purpose with which you’re blessed.

— Ralph Marston

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