Monday, October 4, 2004
Run with it
You can fret about what life hands you. Or you can put your energy into doing something positive and meaningful with it.
You can complain about the weather, and your complaints will not bring about a single ray of sunshine. Or you can adjust your actions to suit the conditions, and move positively forward no matter what.
You can worry about what others think of you. Or you can give life to the best that you expect of yourself.
You can curse the setbacks. Or you can find in them the motivation and the means to reach ever higher.
You can wait and wait for the perfect opportunity, until everything is lined up just right. Or you can move ahead with what’s available here and now, even though it may not be perfect.
If you wait around for life to hand you all the good things you want, you’re likely to be terribly disappointed. Yet when you take what you have and run with it, life will get better and better.
Ralph Marston

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