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I do not want the peace that passeth understanding. I want the understanding which bringeth peace.
-- Helen Keller


Tuesday, July 13, 2004

A golden day

This is a golden day. Open your eyes and see its richness.

Open your heart, live the beauty and value of this day. Accept it as it is, and the love you give to life will make it even better.

Whatever comes along, consider it a privilege that you’re able to experience it. Look for the blessings in everything, and you’ll surely find them.

Pay no attention to the false limitations that the world may put on joy. There is no need to acquire or to dominate in order to be happy.

Simply open yourself to the abundance that already surrounds you. And you’ll be firmly connected to all you could ever desire.

This is a golden day. And the more you live its treasure, the more of it there will be.

— Ralph Marston

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