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Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer


Saturday, July 3, 2004

Positive habits

To bring your thoughts to life, put them into words. To bring your words to life, put them into action. To bring your actions to life, make them into habits. What you make into a habit becomes a part of who you are.

Imagine having hundreds of people taking action on your behalf. Over time, the habits you develop can create that kind of leverage.

Habits give powerful focus to your actions by repeating them over and over again. So it pays to give great care and consideration to the habits you develop.

A negative, destructive habit can hold you back as surely as a steel chain around your ankle. A positive, productive habit can enable you to soar to heights that would otherwise be unreachable.

Work to make your most effective actions into habits, so they become a part of you. The effort will be rewarded over and over again.

— Ralph Marston

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