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Faith is not belief. Belief is passive. Faith is active.
-- Edith Hamilton


Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Wanting it

How do you get yourself to do what you know is best, what you know you must do? You find a way to truly want it.

Think of your favorite food. If you were hungry, and that food was sitting on the table in front of you, would you be able to bring yourself to eat it?

Of course you would. It would be no problem at all.

You wouldn’t have to attend a seminar, or buy a book, or watch a video instructing you on what to do. You’d simply take the necessary steps, out of a desire to eat your favorite food.

No, not everything is as easy as reaching out and taking a bite of food. Yet the fact remains that the things you get done are the things you want to get done, whether they are easy or difficult, simple or complex.

You are completely capable of figuring out how, and finding the motivation to do something, when it is something you truly want to do. When you can make and maintain the connection between what you know you must do, and what you truly want, it will get done.

— Ralph Marston

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