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Let us train our minds to desire what the situation demands.
-- Seneca


Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Enjoying it

You spend much of your day striving for more, and yet you already have so much. Spend some time enjoying it.

Enjoyment takes little or no effort, and doesn’t have to detract from what you’re doing. In fact, enjoyment will add real value to all your efforts.

Enjoyment takes no special skills or training. All you need is the intention to enjoy where you are, and suddenly you’re doing it. Focus not on the problems. Focus on how fortunate you are to be here, able to make a positive contribution.

The next time you’re in a situation that you normally would find annoying, frustrating, or dreary, decide that you will enjoy yourself. Put a smile on your face with a lightness in your spirit, and enjoy being you, simply because you’ve decided to do so.

A moment lived with enjoyment can bring hundreds of times more value than a moment spent in dismay. Enjoy life’s richness and there will be so much more.

— Ralph Marston

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