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Always deliver more than expected.
-- Larry Page


Thursday, June 3, 2004

Imagined problems

Are you fighting against obstacles that don’t even exist? Often, the imagined problems can hold you back more firmly than the real problems.

For the imagined problems can prevent you from ever getting started in the first place. When you’re certain that things are not going to work out, you have no incentive to move forward with them.

You never really know until you make the effort. The chances are very good that the obstacles are not nearly as difficult as you imagine them to be.

Every undertaking has its challenges, to be sure. Yet there’s no reason for you to add to those real challenges with your own imaginary ones.

Go ahead, take action, and you’ll likely discover that many of the obstacles you once imagined are not even there. And you’ll find a way to handle those obstacles you do encounter.

Don’t let the imagined problems stop you. Step confidently forward and move ahead with those things that need to be done.

— Ralph Marston

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