virgin islands scene

Act enthusiastic and you will be enthusiastic.
-- Dale Carnegie


Friday, May 7, 2004

Give your dream

What have you always wanted to do with your life? Today you can actually begin to make it happen. What is your most treasured dream? Now is the moment for bringing it to life.

But isn’t it selfish to follow your dream, when there are so many problems, so many responsibilities to be met? No, it is not selfish at all. In fact, the selfish thing to do is to hide your dream away and deny it life. In the process of following your dream, you cannot help but add enormous value to the lives of others.

The things you deeply care about are there for a reason. They push you toward a level of achievement that will benefit not only you, but all those around you.

Somewhere deep within you is a dream, a vision for how life can be. Let this day be when you begin to give it to the world.

— Ralph Marston

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