Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Thoughts to reality
Imagine for a moment how it would be if every time you thought of something it would suddenly become real. If that were the case, upon what things would you focus your thoughts?
If you knew for certain that thinking would instantly make it so, how would that change the nature of your thoughts? Would you focus your thoughts on worry, frustration, anger and resentment, or would those thoughts be more directed toward the positive possibilities?
Of course, you know that your thoughts do not instantly create your reality. Yet those thoughts do indeed have a powerful influence on where your life leads. For your actions are certainly guided by your thoughts. And the actions you take do indeed have a major impact on your life and your world.
In fact, the thoughts with which you most consistently fill your mind do eventually become real. It just takes some time. So keep in mind what would happen if your thoughts were to suddenly become real. Because one day, they will be.
Ralph Marston

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