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No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
-- Eleanor Roosevelt


Saturday, March 20, 2004

Your dreams

The things that hold you back are finite and limited, yet the dreams that push you forward have no such limits. No matter how formidable the problem may be, you can always find an even stronger reason to move resolutely ahead.

In fact, when the obstacles seem too great, too daunting, that’s the time to reach even higher. Make your dreams bigger and more compelling than your difficulties.

It is never unreasonable to expect the best of yourself. For the greatest achievements are reached when you have a real and meaningful reason to reach them.

There are countless possibilities available to you at this very moment. Choose to follow the ones that enliven your spirit, spark your imagination, and inspire your heart.

Dream big dreams, ones that truly mean something to you. Let yourself be filled with their positive, infectious energy. Then delight in the journey as you follow the steps that will make them come true.

— Ralph Marston

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