virgin islands scene

The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it.
-- Warren Bennis


Thursday, March 4, 2004


Do you feel the need to be needed? You already are needed, so make yourself useful and you’ll easily satisfy that need you feel.

Do you desire pleasure and comfort? Then allow yourself to be pleased with where you are and comfortable about the person you have become.

Do you desire to be somebody, to really make others stand up and take notice? You already are someone special, and if you will simply live out your own unique possibilities, others will indeed take notice of the value you can offer.

Would you like to have a life filled with richness and fulfillment? Life already offers an unending supply of richness, and opportunities for fulfillment in every direction, if you will open yourself up to live them.

What is already yours is worth much more than anything you could strive to take. Make the most of that value, and in doing so you’ll find everything you could ever desire.

— Ralph Marston

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