virgin islands scene

I would rather feel compassion than know the meaning of it.
-- Thomas Aquinas


Friday, February 20, 2004

Wonderfully alive

Enjoy who you are, and it will bring out the best you can be. Enjoy what you’re doing, and you’ll create something of true, lasting value.

Enjoy where you are, and your eyes will be opened to the best of possibilities. Enjoy the moment you’re in, and you’ll discover a priceless treasure.

It is not selfish to enjoy yourself. What’s truly selfish is to insist on being miserable despite all the positive possibilities available to you.

Enjoy yourself, and you become that much more able to create real value for others. Enjoy yourself, and you’ll find yourself doing the things you are most ideally suited to do.

You are immensely blessed with the precious gift of life. It would be the height of arrogance if you failed to enjoy it to the fullest.

There are endless possibilities for enjoyment, whatever your circumstances may be. Enjoy, and be wonderfully alive.

— Ralph Marston

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