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You do not lead by hitting people over the head - that's assault, not leadership.
-- Dwight D. Eisenhower


Tuesday, December 30, 2003

The details

It’s extremely valuable when you’re able to see the big picture, having risen far above the mundane details. Yet it is just as important to know and understand the nature of those details.

And for that, there is nothing that can replace actual hands-on experience. Most endeavors benefit from a competent manager, and managers become competent through intimate familiarity with what they’re managing.

How can you direct someone to tend your garden if you’re not regularly digging in the dirt yourself? How can you develop a successful customer service strategy if you’re not regularly dealing with customer issues yourself?

If you consider yourself to be above the details, then those details will very likely bring you down at some point. Certainly delegate when you can, but be sure you know what you’re delegating.

Modern life is complex, and no one can be expected to understand all of the intricate complexities. Yet by the same token, it is essential to grasp the fundamental details upon which your world depends.

Be willing to get your hands dirty with the details of life. And you’ll be well equipped to make the big picture even brighter.

— Ralph Marston

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