Wednesday, December 10, 2003
A closer look
Viewed from a distance, the challenge appears difficult, complex, and insurmountable. Yet when you get close enough to it, you see that it’s nothing more than a lot of simple, easily conquered challenges bundled together.
Is there something you’ve been avoiding because it just seems so overwhelming? Move in closer to it, to where you can see the details. Pick one of those details and go to work on it. When you’ve moved past that small challenge go on to the next one.
Soon you’ll see that the big, complex, overwhelming challenge is in fact something you can handle. Once you’ve gotten inside and gone to work, you’ll soon find your way through the whole thing.
The most ambitious goals, the most burdensome problems are not nearly so daunting as they may first appear. Have the courage to walk right up to them and get a closer look.
When you do, you’ll discover a secret shared by all those who accomplish great things. There’s no limit to what you can achieve when you take it one step at a time.
Ralph Marston

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