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We won't even attempt to achieve what we do not believe at a deep level we can have or deserve.
-- Ruth Ross


Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Where is the joy?

Where is the joy in life? It is wherever and whenever you choose to accept it and to live it.

You cannot get joy by taking it away from others, for it disappears as soon as you try to possess it. Nor can you experience joy by burdening it with all sorts of conditions and limitations.

The joy you seek is closer than you think. How many times have you looked right past it, straining to see it in the distance when it is already upon you?

Joy is not found by arriving at its locale. Joy is experienced by allowing it into the moments you live.

If you fear losing joy you will never really know it. Let go of the need to hold it, of the need to contain it, and you’ll truly experience the immensity of joy.

Think not of where joy begins and where it can end, for all that will do is keep it away. The joy of life is yours to know, so simply let it be.

— Ralph Marston

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