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Speech is conveniently located midway between thought and action, where it often substitutes for both.
-- John Andrew Holmes


Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Frustrating lessons

In every frustration there is a lesson. Once you learn what it has to teach you, the frustration will be no more.

Frustration comes when you know for sure that the situation could have been better if certain things had been done differently. Take a step back from the drama of your frustration, and look objectively at what it can show you.

There’s no rule that says your frustration must make you miserable or irrational. That same frustration can teach and inspire you, if you choose.

The more overpowering it feels, the more real, positive value you can find within your frustration. Think of frustration as a form of passion, for that is what it truly is.

The more intense the frustration, the more it means you care. Can you see what a positive thing that can be? Listen carefully to what your frustration has to say. And you’ll move powerfully, passionately beyond it.

— Ralph Marston

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