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The secret to success is constancy to purpose.
-- Benjamin Disraeli


Friday, November 7, 2003

A reason that is you

Why do you get angry? What is it that causes you to experience frustration? What is the reason behind the joys you have known? Why are you the person you are? Somewhere underneath it all is a purpose. Somewhere, inside all you are, is a reason.

If there was no purpose, if there was no reason, you would not care about anything at all. Nothing would bring out anger or sadness, excitement or joy.

There is a reason that is you, a purpose that is yours. As each day passes, you grow to know, to understand, and to fulfill it to an ever greater degree.

Behind every single thing you desire or think or say or do, behind the feelings, there is a reason that is you. The more fully you live it, the richer life will be.

— Ralph Marston

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