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A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits. They will be embarrassingly large.
-- Henry Ford


Saturday, October 4, 2003

A moment like no other

This is truly your lucky day. For you are here to live it. This is a moment that is like no other. And it is here now, ready to be lived with all the fullness, all the richness you can imagine.

What is the most beautiful, wonderful, positive and fulfilling thing that you can imagine? Dare to imagine it, and dare to begin living the reality of it. For today, your most treasured dream is not only a real possibility for you, it will truly begin to take shape. Today you can imagine the best, and today is the day to start living it.

Though all sorts of obstacles may stand in your way, today there is nothing that can hold you back. For today you’re able to fully experience the wondrous gift of life, with which anything is truly possible.

Look deep inside, and you’ll have no doubt that this is most certainly a moment like no other, filled with extraordinary possibilities. You’ll surely find what it takes to live this moment for all it’s worth.

— Ralph Marston

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