Monday, September 29, 2003
Even better
If you could experience, in a single moment, all of the things of which you are capable, it would truly and literally overwhelm you. If you could see, in one look, the abundance of possibilities open to you, it would be too much to take in at one time.
Yet there is no need to take it in all at once. There is every reason and every opportunity to savor the goodness of life as it comes, moment by moment and day by day.
What you see in front of you right now is magnificent, and more than enough to fill this moment. And yet it is only a tiny glimpse of all the richness that life has to offer. There is plenty that can be accomplished in this moment. Make the most of it now, and the next moment will arrive with even more possibility, even greater opportunities.
As you move through life, you can continually fill it with richness. For every goodness you experience will stay with you, while opportunities for even more just keep coming. Live fully the richness of this day, and give it the best that you have. Nurture your best possibilities, and they grow even better.
Ralph Marston

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