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Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.
-- George S. Patton


Tuesday, August 26, 2003

You’ll get through

When the challenge is in front of you, it looks big and difficult and complicated and forbidding. Yet when that same challenge is behind you, you wonder why you ever hesitated to take it on.

Are there challenges looming on your horizon, challenges that seem insurmountable? They are not nearly so difficult as they may at first appear. In fact, once you get past them they will hardly seem difficult at all. Because in the process of going through them, you’ll learn, you’ll improve, you’ll grow, you’ll become stronger.

In the process of meeting the challenges that are now in front of you, you’ll take yourself to a higher level of performance. You’ll take yourself to a higher level of wisdom, strength, and effectiveness.

Imagine yourself there now, already past the challenges, stronger and more experienced as a result. You will have achieved something of value and, perhaps more importantly, put yourself in a position to take on even greater, even more rewarding challenges.

So jump in right now and begin to work your way through the challenges that confront you. You know you’ll get through them, to discover great new value on the other side.

— Ralph Marston

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