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Passion is the shrapnel that flies from a three-way collision of determination, commitment and action.
-- Roy H. Williams


Thursday, July 31, 2003

Dreams already are

What will you dream when your dreams have come true? What will you do with the happiness you seek once you have reached it? Can you see the dream that is behind the dream? Can you touch the purpose that is behind the goal?

When you arrive at the perfect destination you’ve chosen, what are you going to do next? Whatever it may be, consider doing it now, and suddenly you are already there.

Stop waiting for your dreams to be fulfilled, and start living the reality of their truth and their purpose. For behind every dream is always a reason, a reason which fills and pervades you even now.

Live each day as if you’re precisely where you most want to be, doing what you are truly meant to do. And rather than wishing for your dreams to be real, you’ll know that they already are.

— Ralph Marston

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