virgin islands scene

Take away the cause, and the effect ceases.
-- Miguel de Cervantes


Monday, June 30, 2003

Fully alive

Live the life that you’ve been given. Live it fully, generously and enthusiastically in each and every moment. Fulfillment is not hidden from you in some secret, mysterious place. It is right there in front of you the moment you are ready to see it and to live it.

There are so many things of which you are capable, you could not even list them all. Instead of making that list, make use of some of those magnificent capabilities and make a life that is filled with richness.

If you were fully appreciative of just one tenth of your blessings, it would cause you to spring to life with such exuberance that nothing would stop you. Consider for a moment what it truly means to be you, here, now. Think about the abundance of powerful, positive options that are available to you this very moment.

Then stand up tall, step forward and live. Live this day for everything its worth and immerse yourself in the joy of being fully alive.

— Ralph Marston

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