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Thoughts mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a burning desire are powerful things.
-- Napoleon Hill


Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Responsibility and control

The more responsibility you take for your own life, the better that life will be. The more responsibility you take for your own circumstances, the more those circumstances will be to your liking.

Even though your current situation may be largely someone else’s fault, it is still your responsibility. Because the way to be in control of your life is to take responsibility for it.

Certainly there are those who would hold you back. Of course there are many things that are beyond your control. Take responsibility anyway. Accept that responsibility and act on it, because it is your best option for moving positively forward.

Every time you blame others for your problems, you are giving them control over your life. That’s certainly not what you want, and it will get you nothing of value.

Step up and take responsibility, no matter what, as often and as enthusiastically as you can. For when you take responsibility, what you get is control, and the power to be your best.

— Ralph Marston

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