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Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.
-- Bhagavad Gita


Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Have the time

Do you have enough time to accomplish all that you would like to get done? Yes, in fact, you do. When you have the willingness, when you have the commitment, then you can find the time. For time continues to come to you, and you will always make use of it in accordance with your most genuine priorities.

If it seems that there is not enough time, take an honest look at where the time is going. Plenty of time is coming to you, moment after valuable moment.

Look at what you are doing with those moments. Look at how you use your time, and you will see precisely how you have arranged your priorities. If you don’t like what you see, you have the option to change those priorities. And when you do, the way you use your time will change as well.

If there is not enough time, you have the power to make time available by clearly understanding and adjusting your real priorities. Be truly aware of where your time goes and why, and you’ll see that you do indeed have all the time you need.

— Ralph Marston

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