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Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Monday, April 28, 2003

It can indeed

Today there is something that everyone considers to be impossible. And one day soon, someone will find a way to do it. Once that first person shows that it can be done, many others will suddenly be able to do it too, as if by magic. Before long, not only will it no longer be impossible, it will become quite routine and commonplace.

Many of the things you now take for granted were once considered to be completely impossible. Thankfully, there were innovative and visionary people who didn’t let that stop them.

Are there things that you don’t even dare to dream because you know that they must be impossible? If history is any indication, then you are probably wrong. Often when something appears impossible it is because it’s viewed from a limited perspective. Change your perspective, open your mind, dare to dream the impossible, and it can indeed be done.

— Ralph Marston

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