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We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse.
-- Rudyard Kipling


Saturday, April 19, 2003

You already are

You already are everything you could ever want to be. You already have all that you could ever need or desire. So why do you often feel so lacking and so incomplete? Why do you often feel so empty?

It is because you have been mesmerized by the illusion of limitation. It is because you have confused your shallow, fleeting ego with the person you truly are. You have forsaken the stunning, overwhelming abundance of what is. And you have sought refuge in the false comfort of your familiar insecurities.

Wake up and see that even the smallest, most simple thing is a miracle, utterly beyond comprehension yet still available to completely experience. Open your eyes and know that the abundance you so longingly desire is yours the moment you accept it and live it.

— Ralph Marston

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