Saturday, April 12, 2003
What to do now
It’s usually a waste of time and energy to put a lot of effort into assigning blame or determining who is at fault. Because fault exists in the past, and the past cannot be changed.
Figuring out who is at fault will do nothing to improve the situation. What really matters is not who is to blame, but who is ready to take responsibility for moving forward.
When you become too focused on who is at fault, you can easily lose sight of the positive actions that can be taken. Once you let go of the need to assign blame, you’re much more likely to see the positive possibilities available to you.
The thing to be concerned with is not what happened, but what you’re going to do about it. Put your focus not on what should or should not have been done, but rather on the best of what can now be done.
There is no sense in fighting battles that are already over. Instead, put your energy into finding and following the best of the choices that are now available to you. Let your thoughts be guided by the best you can do. And you’ll be creating a future that’s the best you can make it.
Ralph Marston

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