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A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell, where his influence stops.
-- Henry B. Adams


Wednesday, April 2, 2003

Yes you can

Can you achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself even though the obstacles are many? Yes you can. Can you get back up and make another effort, as many times as necessary, until you’ve successfully reached the place you intend to go? Yes, you most certainly can.

Yes you can remain calm and focused when the world around you swirls with noisy confusion. Yes you can move positively forward each day even though events and circumstances seem to constantly act against you.

Yes you can do all these things and more. If one path is blocked, there are plenty of others. When you are willing, there is a way. When you are committed to reaching the results you desire, yes you can find that way and follow it.

Whatever life may ask of you, the answer is always yes, when you decide to make it so.

— Ralph Marston

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