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Liberty, taking the word in its concrete sense, consists in the ability to choose.
-- Simone Weil


Monday, March 24, 2003

Good and tired

At the end of this day you are going to be tired. The choice you’re able to make is what kind of tired that will be. You can be tired from not doing much, from just getting by, and that is a weary feeling indeed. It’s something that not even a good night’s rest will take away.

Or, you can be tired after a day’s worth of positive effort and accomplishment, while at the same time being satisfied and fulfilled. Then, after a good night’s sleep, you can wake up tomorrow feeling energized and enthusiastic about moving forward again.

There is nothing that can compare with the sense of accomplishment that comes after a day filled with positive, focused, effective effort. In just a few hours you can be enjoying the delightful, empowering experience of being good and tired.

You’re going to be tired anyway, so doesn’t it make sense to get something positive and valuable out of it? You’re going to move through this day anyway, so doesn’t it make sense to move forward with effective, enthusiastic effort and accomplishment?

Use this day to get yourself good and tired, and experience for yourself just how great that can be.

— Ralph Marston

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