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Chance favors the prepared mind.
-- Louis Pasteur


Friday, February 28, 2003

No doubt

When you believe you can do it, you’re off to a good start. When you know without a doubt that you can do it, it will happen.

One of the biggest obstacles to any accomplishment is doubt. Doubt will discourage you, delay you, distract you, and prevent you from taking action. Once doubt has been established, it can take on a life of its own. Though doubt may have no valid, objective reason, after it springs to life it can stop you as surely as anything.

Yet one small, positive action will begin to remove the doubt. For doubt is just a thought, and when your experience proves it wrong that doubt will quickly wither away.

The best way to know you can do it is to start to do it. Forget about the doubts for a moment, and take one small step forward. Then take another. Soon your doubts will be left behind in the dust, and you’ll be moving quickly ahead.

— Ralph Marston

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