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Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.
-- Clare Boothe Luce


Monday, February 24, 2003

Where your commitments lead

Right this moment you are solidly committed to something. The question is, what is it? The quality of your commitments will determine the course of your life. So where are your commitments taking you today?

You can never avoid commitment entirely. What you can do is choose what those commitments will be, and choose to follow the best of them.

Commitment can seem overwhelming and intimidating. Yet at its heart, commitment is a grand opportunity if that’s what you decide to make of it. Commitment gives you the means of working steadily toward whatever is most important to you. And what could possibly be better than that?

Yes, you can shy away from commitment, but that in itself is a commitment to mediocrity. Instead, commit this day to the best you can imagine, then follow through with each moment to bring it about.

— Ralph Marston

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