Monday, December 16, 2002
The world you choose
If it is important enough to you, you will find a way. If it is not, you will find an excuse.
Difficult circumstances can challenge you but they cannot stop you. Only you can stop you. Others can give encouragement, can teach you and help you, or they can conspire against you to hold you back. Only you can decide what to do with it all, and what to make out of what you’ve been handed.
There are some roads that lead to success and others that lead to despair. The road you are on depends entirely on the road you have chosen.
Whether you see a life filled with beauty and positive possibilities or whether you see no hope at all, your assessment will most certainly prove to be true. So which one will you choose to see?
The world you choose to experience and the world you most sincerely choose to live in is precisely the world where you will be.
Ralph Marston

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