virgin islands scene

God made the world round so we would never be able to see too far down the road.
-- Isak Dinesen


Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Let life come

Let life come to you, the joys and the problems, the victories and the setbacks, the magnificent beauty and the frustrating difficulties. Let life come, take it all in, and make the very most of it.

Don’t fight it or force it, don’t hide from it or run away, let life come as it will. Let life come and experience the rich, unique flavor of every moment.

Rather than waiting for things to get better or wishing things had not gone the way they did, let life continue to come and live it as it does. Let life come and learn from it, grow with it, become your best through whatever comes your way.

Welcome each new moment and open your eyes to the positive value that it brings. Sometimes that value is obvious, and other times it is hidden, yet always it is there.

Let life come, with all its treasures and all its shortcomings. Let life come, every bit of it, and be truly, gloriously alive.

— Ralph Marston

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