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Well done is better than well said.
-- Benjamin Franklin


Thursday, December 5, 2002

All the good things

Think for a moment of all the good things you have going for you. Sure, there are troubles and disappointments, yet there are also blessings which are so much a part of your life that you take them for granted every day.

One reason why the problems get your attention is because they are relatively unusual. The good things, by contrast, just keep on flowing to you, often without you even taking much notice.

You are alive and living, with people who love and care about you, in a world filled with opportunities and positive possibilities in every direction. There is plenty to be done, plenty to learn, plenty to experience, and lots of room to grow.

What an incredible opportunity you have right in front of you. It is the opportunity to live, and indeed it would be difficult to imagine anything more valuable.

Keep yourself attuned to the good, the valuable, the positive things, and they are what will grow in your life.

— Ralph Marston

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