Tuesday, November 26, 2002
There is nothing inherently selfish or irresponsible about enjoying yourself. In fact, you are most likely at your best, in terms of passion, performance and effectiveness, at those times when you are truly enjoying yourself.
The joy you experience does not take anything away from anyone else. Rather, it provides you with more positive value that can be shared with others. The more joy you find in the good and positive things in life, the less time and energy you give to the negative, destructive influences. See each situation as an opportunity to experience genuine enjoyment, and such a perspective will focus your attention on the value that is there to be gained or created.
When you enjoy something, you’ll naturally be better at it, and better able to make your own unique contribution. It is in those things you sincerely enjoy the most that you will find true success and effectiveness.
This day will present you with plenty of opportunities for enjoyment. Take hold of those opportunities, truly enjoy the moments, and you’ll be creating real, positive value for yourself, your world, and all those around you.
Ralph Marston

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