Friday, November 15, 2002
The small moments
Some of the biggest, most positive and enduring accomplishments are the result of small efforts repeated again and again. There is enormous, nearly unstoppable power in those small efforts when they’re focused consistently in the same direction.
Tiny, soft water droplets will eventually wear smooth the hardest of stones. So too will small, positive efforts eventually yield big and valuable results.
Your thoughts and actions in the smallest, most seemingly insignificant moments truly matter. They matter very much more than they would seem. For it is in those small, ordinary moments that extraordinary accomplishments are built. It is in the actual living that a life of distinction, success and fulfillment is achieved.
Though you may only move a few inches at a time, those small steps, taken one after another, will eventually put you miles and miles ahead. See the value and real opportunity in each small moment, because those small moments are indeed what combine to make a big and magnificent life.
Ralph Marston

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