Friday, October 18, 2002
Walk right up
Your first impression of any particular challenge is almost always bigger and more formidable than the challenge itself. The closer you get to a problem, the less imposing it becomes.
From a long way off, trouble can seem big and intimidating. But when you walk right up and go to work on it, the trouble will begin to yield more quickly than you would have imagined. Getting face to face with trouble may not be all that pleasant, yet you’ll be far better off than if you had turned and run away. The more willingly and eagerly you take on the challenge, the more manageable it becomes.
If an obstacle seems completely insurmountable, it’s probably because you don’t know all there is to know about it. Get up close to that obstacle, start working on it, and you’ll be able to see a way around it, or over it, or under it or through.
The faster and more confidently you walk right up to your troubles and face them, the sooner they will begin to get out of the way.
— Ralph Marston

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