Monday, September 30, 2002
How much time and energy do you spend avoiding certain things, not because they are harmful, but simply because you don’t like them? Do your efforts to avoid what you don’t like ever prevent you from the enjoyment of what you do like?
The more things you decide you don’t like, the more possibilities you create for your own unhappiness. The more things you dislike, the more you deny to yourself the rich diversity that life has to offer.
There’s certainly no need to go out of your way to seek out the things you don’t like. But by the same measure it’s silly to go out of your way and to put a lot of effort into avoiding them.
By putting your energy into avoiding a few things you don’t like, you end up missing out on a lot of other things you would enjoy very much. So you gain nothing of value in the process.
Far too many people who are perfectly capable of truly great achievements never even attempt them because they’re trying to avoid a little unpleasantness. Don’t let yourself make that mistake.
Forget about what you don’t like. Focus your time, your energy and your efforts on what you do like, on the positive things you want to accomplish, and those efforts will be well spent.
Ralph Marston

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