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Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.
-- Erica Jong


Tuesday, September 3, 2002

Enthusiastically forward

You can persist through every discouragement and when you do, anything is within your reach. In fact, the more discouragement you move beyond, the more valuable and magnificent will be the things you accomplish.

Certainly there are plenty of things which can frustrate and discourage you, but that doesn’t mean you have to be frustrated or discouraged. You have a much better, much more effective, much more positive and fulfilling path that’s yours to follow.

You can choose to persist, to rise above the challenges, no matter how difficult and complicated they may be. You can choose to keep moving enthusiastically ahead, and refuse to let anything discourage you.

Those things which might otherwise discourage you will positively energize and revitalize you when you’re committed to reaching the goal. Those things which might otherwise be reasons to give up will instead compel you to move forward when the results you seek are meaningful enough.

Give no time or energy to being discouraged. It feels lousy and it does not get you anywhere. Instead, stand up tall, put a smile on your face and a spring in your step. Persist in doing what you know is right, what you know will make a positive difference for yourself and your world, and thrill to how absolutely great it can be.

— Ralph Marston

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