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It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.
-- Epictetus


Friday, August 9, 2002

Something to appreciate

A great way to remain positively focused is to have something positive toward which you can direct your thoughts at a moment’s notice. That way, when you catch yourself falling into negative thought patterns you can quickly switch your thoughts somewhere else.

Imagine what would happen if you made a habit, at the beginning of each day, of finding something new to appreciate about yourself, your life, or your world. Then, any time you felt yourself being drawn into negative, destructive thinking, you could immediately put your focus on that day’s object of appreciation and gratitude.

Genuine, heartfelt gratitude can have a powerful positive influence on every aspect of your life. It can be an effective counterbalance to all the negativity the world throws your way.

Think right now of something for which you can be truly grateful. Then, the next time you feel yourself being drawn into anger, frustration, spite, envy or despair, shift your focus instead to your ready-made gratitude.

Keep yourself genuinely and realistically positive with sincere gratitude. And each day will bring even more reasons to be thankful.

— Ralph Marston

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