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Don't look back. Something may be gaining on you.
-- Satchel Paige


Wednesday, August 7, 2002

Happiness is here

Happiness is far too valuable to be put off until later, or buried in the past. Happiness is here for you to bring to life in the only place where you can truly experience it, the present moment.

Being happy right now will not make your problems any worse. In fact, it will most likely make things better. Your happiness will not harm or offend anyone else. In fact, it may very well be of much value to others.

Happiness has no prerequisites, no conditions which must first be met, really no requirements at all. Experiencing happiness does not in any way deplete it, but increases the supply of it.

Stop waiting for happiness to come to you and start letting it come from you. And there will always be more than enough to go around.

— Ralph Marston

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