virgin islands scene

The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving an excuse.
-- Jules Renard


Thursday, July 18, 2002

Light the darkness

Light does not conquer darkness by pushing the darkness out of the way. Rather, the light comes into the darkness and transforms it with brilliant, positive energy.

In the same way, the obstacles in life are not conquered by fighting them on their own terms or attempting to push them out of the way. The best way to move past a difficult situation is to transform it with positive, productive energy.

No matter how much you push against the darkness it will not go anywhere. Yet the moment you shine your light, the darkness is no more. When you fight against your problems, all it usually accomplishes is to make them stronger and give them more validity. Instead, seek to transform those problems, those difficult situations, by virtue of your own positive values and efforts.

Rather than struggling against the situation, give the best you have to it. Rather than fighting darkness with more darkness, transform that darkness by letting your light shine.

— Ralph Marston

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