virgin islands scene

Happiness is activity.
-- Aristotle


Tuesday, July 16, 2002

Are you willing?

Forget the excuses, let go of the shoulds, move beyond the if onlys, and ask yourself this one question. Are you willing or are you not?

All the many things that go into any achievement can be reduced to one clear and simple factor. And that is -- are you willing?

When you are willing to do what it takes, you’ll find a way. When you are willing, though circumstances conspire against you, you’ll get it done anyway. When you’re truly willing, the problems have a way of being transformed into opportunities. When you’re really willing, the disappointments have a way of making you even more determined.

If you’re willing, that’s great -- go for it with everything you have. Yet if you’re not willing, there’s still a way to become so.

Somewhere, somehow, there is something that will inspire and engage you fully. Connect yourself with it and suddenly, you’ll be willing, willing to do whatever it takes.

— Ralph Marston

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