virgin islands scene

I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.
-- Maya Angelou


Thursday, July 4, 2002

Worth every effort

There is something about freedom that always, eventually, lets the best shine through. Though it is regularly abused, neglected and taken for granted, freedom also provides fertile ground for magnificent achievements.

Most of freedom’s greatest achievements go largely unnoticed because they are so wonderfully commonplace. Every day, millions of people make the most of their freedom to fashion lives of meaning and purpose and substance.

There was a time when freedom was all too rare. Even then, there were those who knew that freedom would be worth every sacrifice necessary to achieve it. We are indeed fortunate that so many have given so much, and continue to do so, in the name of freedom. And as such we are obligated to live in our freedom with care and diligence, with respect and responsibility.

Freedom requires effort to secure, to maintain and to fulfill the best of its promises. Freedom, when we truly value and appreciate all its implications, can bring out the very best in us like nothing else can. It’s worth every effort.

— Ralph Marston

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