Monday, June 24, 2002
Attitude along the way
Is it really success if you resent the steps necessary to get there? Can you ever hope to get there if you fight it every step of the way? Achievement rarely comes from miserable people. When was the last time you heard of an outstanding achiever who hated what she was doing?
Think of how lousy you would feel if you were driving to a party you didn’t want to attend. Every traffic light that turned red would offer you an excuse to turn around, and even the slightest bit of bad weather would be a reason to head back home. Now think of how happy and excited you’d be if you were driving to a party that you really wanted to attend. Whatever might block your path -- whether a traffic snarl, road construction, or a howling storm -- you’d find a way around.
When you meet each challenge with enthusiasm and determination, that’s a good sign that you’re headed in a direction which is right for you. But if, on the other hand, you groan, complain and despair over every setback, perhaps you don’t really want to be going that way.
Your attitude along the way will tell you a lot about whether you really want to get there. Any worthwhile achievement requires sustained, committed effort. Set your sights on a goal for which you don’t mind the effort. Not only will you reach the goal, you’ll also enjoy the journey.
Ralph Marston

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