Thursday, May 30, 2002
What’s right about it?
Think for a few moments about all the things that are right with your life. Rather than complaining so much about the problems and difficulties, spend some time appreciating all those things for which you can be thankful.
Whatever you focus you attention upon will grow and become more influential. So focus that attention on the good and valuable and positive aspects of your life.
Rather than defining yourself and coloring your perspective based on what’s going wrong in your life, think in terms of what’s going right. Instead of keeping your thoughts buried in your limitations, allow those thoughts to soar into your best possibilities.
Instead of worrying about the worst that could happen, put your attention and you efforts into creating the best that is possible. The place where your attention is most often focused is the place you’re surely and steadily moving toward. So focus your attention, as often as you can, on the best you can imagine. Keep looking in that direction, keep heading in that direction, and you’ll most certainly get there.
Ralph Marston

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