virgin islands scene

Good timber does not grow with ease; the stronger the wind, the stronger the trees.
-- J. Willard Marriott


Friday, May 17, 2002

Growing confidence

Real, sustained self confidence comes from knowing you can do it, and knowing you can do it comes from the experience of actually doing it. Just as strong muscles are built by lifting heavier and heavier weights, confidence is built by taking on bigger and bigger challenges.

Even if your muscles are weak, there is some amount of weight you can lift, and as you regularly lift it, the muscles become stronger. In the same way, the confidence to take on major challenges is built through the experience of first taking on small challenges, and then working your way up.

Others may encourage you, yet no other person can actually give you your own confidence or talk you into it. Others may help you to believe you can do it, yet only by experience will you know without a doubt that you can.

The sooner you begin to accumulate that experience, the stronger and more quickly your confidence will grow. Where you are, right now, is a great place to start building the solid and unshakable confidence of achievement.

Start with what you have, with what you know you can do, and then add a little challenge to it. Soon you’ll know without a doubt that you can do even more. As your confidence grows, so will your achievements, because the biggest achievements come to those who have the confidence to take on the most difficult challenges. Start small, continue to build a strong confidence based on experience, and you’ll have something valuable indeed.

— Ralph Marston

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