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Over every mountain there is a path, although it may not be seen from the valley.
-- James Rogers


Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Beyond fear

Perhaps the most daunting thing about fear is its unknown component. When you’ve never actually experienced that which you fear, you can easily imagine it to be much worse than it really is.

Once you experience whatever you fear, the fear quickly starts to lose its grip on you. Once you’ve been through it and you’ve come out in good shape, what reason is there to hold on to the fear?

Certainly there are many dangers in the world, and many things to be feared. Yet fears can often be wildly exaggerated, and the fear itself can be much more debilitating than whatever is feared.

Fear can heighten your senses and focus your awareness, and as such it can be extremely helpful in preparing you to face difficult situations. Yet if you let your fears hold you back, then all that preparation is of no use to you.

Listen to your fears, then look beyond them and see yourself going triumphantly through whatever you fear. Your fears help to prepare you, and your courage to make use of them, rather than hide from them, will move you positively forward.

— Ralph Marston

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