virgin islands scene

Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
-- Marilyn Monroe


Monday, May 13, 2002

Maybe someday

Maybe someday you’ll start living every day true to the best that is within you. Maybe someday you’ll really start to seriously pursue your most treasured dreams. Maybe someday you’ll stop holding back and live the richness of every moment. Maybe someday you’ll show the world who you really are.

Maybe someday you’ll explore the best of those possibilities that you know in your heart are there. Maybe someday you’ll tell them what you really think. Maybe someday you’ll see how truly beautiful life can be. Maybe someday you’ll understand that nothing can hold you back.

Maybe someday you’ll decide that your life cannot wait any longer. Maybe someday you’ll wake up, see how useless most of your worries have been, and simply leave them behind.

Maybe someday is coming. Maybe someday will be sooner than you think. Maybe someday you’ll decide to start living life for everything it can possibly be, and you’ll wonder why you ever waited so long.

Maybe someday is here.

— Ralph Marston

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