Monday, April 29, 2002
What you do not know
The more completely you think you understand something, the less you’ll be willing to learn about it. The path to wisdom is traveled by accepting what you do not know.
A whole universe is yours to discover, and the way to see it is by realizing that you don’t already know about much of what’s there. Real learning comes when you have the honesty to admit that you do not know.
Make use of what you do understand, while at the same time remembering never to consider that understanding complete. Those who are so arrogant as to think they know it all will end up knowing the least of all.
Always there is more to be experienced and more to be learned, no matter how much may have come before. Always there is room for your knowledge to grow, provided you keep your mind open to it.
Ahead of you right this moment is a lifetime filled grand and glorious discoveries. Don’t block them off by thinking you’ve already lived them or know what they are. Though you may know much, let your knowledge always be a starting point for learning even more, and from that point you’ll go far indeed.
Ralph Marston

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